About Us

About Us

Our passion for the outdoors, fishing, and our desire to live at harmony and at one with nature brought us to the world of kayaks. Galaxy Kayaks was the beginning of a great adventure, and hopefully it will be for you too!

The Galaxy Kayaks brand was established in 2007, quickly spreading across Europe to become the people’s number one choice of quality fishing kayaks at affordable prices. We have worked tirelessly to expand our product range and now deliver fishing and leisure kayaks, third party in addition to our own brand accessories and our famous packs, carefully designed to suit all levels of experience and budget.

Galaxy Kayaks is a 100% employee owned company and the first kayak company to specialize in kayak fishing. We use the knowledge of experienced kayak fishermen to improve our products and adapt them to accommodate new fishing techniques and paddling needs. The designs and improvements on each kayak are drawn from your suggestions. We transfer your ideas into designs on paper, and we then turn those designs into reality with the help of our technical team that strives to create the best possible kayaks year after year.

We have worked incredibly hard to establish a strong network, from our design team and our manufacturing partners in China to our partners in Europe and the rest of the world. We are proud of our manufacturing partners and our quality control team works closely with them to ensure Galaxy Kayaks delivers the best possible products.

We keep our prices low by selling our kayaks straight from the production line to your door. Galaxy Kayaks are sold almost exclusively online, which allows us to cut out unnecessary infrastructure and overhead, and to bring you the product as direct as possible. This is how we deliver quality goods at very competitive prices.

Life is an adventure – discover more with Galaxy Kayaks!

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